Keeping Your Pet Smiling: Why Veterinary Dental Cleanings Are Important

When was the last time you brushed your pet's teeth? Many pet owners don't realize that just like us, pets need regular dental care to maintain good oral health.

While daily brushing is ideal, it's only sometimes feasible, and that's where veterinary dental cleanings come in.

Dr. Josy at Bailey Caring Mobile Vet can provide your pet with a thorough cleaning.

Why Dental Cleanings Matter

Like in humans, pet's teeth can accumulate plaque and tartar, a hardened substance that brushing alone can't remove. Left untreated, this buildup can lead to periodontal disease, a serious infection that affects the gums and tissues surrounding the teeth.

Periodontal disease can cause pain, bad breath, and even tooth loss. More concerning, it can also contribute to other health problems like heart disease, liver disease, and kidney disease.

Signs Your Pet Needs a Dental Cleaning

Here are some signs that your pet may be overdue for a dental cleaning:

  • Bad breath: This is a common sign of dental disease. 

  • Redness and bleeding around the gum line: Healthy gums should be pink and firm.

  • Yellow or brown plaque build-up: Plaque hardens into tartar over time.

  • Exposed roots: This can be a sign of advanced periodontal disease.

The Veterinary Dental Cleaning Process

At Bailey Caring Mobile Vet, Dr. Josy will perform a complete oral exam to assess your pet's dental health.

This will include checking for signs of periodontal disease and any loose or fractured teeth, as the pet allows.

If a dental cleaning is necessary, your pet will be placed under general anesthesia to ensure their comfort and safety throughout the procedure. Dental X-rays will be performed in each case to examine each tooth below the gum lines.

During the cleaning, Dr. Josy will use specialized tools to remove plaque and tartar and then polish the teeth to remove microscopic scratches that can harbor bacteria. 

What to Expect After the Cleaning

Once the dental procedure is complete, your pet will be monitored closely as they recover from anesthesia.

Dr. Josy will provide detailed instructions on post-operative care, including pain medication and a special diet if needed.

Your pet may be groggy for a few hours, but they should return to their normal selves within a day or two.

Modern Anesthesia and Patient Comfort

At Bailey Caring Mobile Vet, we understand how important your pet's safety and comfort are. That's why we use only the most modern and safest anesthesia protocols, specially tailored for each pet.

Our surgical suite is also equipped with advanced monitoring and patient-warming capabilities to ensure your pet is safe throughout the procedure and wakes up comfortably as soon as it's finished.

Investing in Your Pet's Oral Health

Veterinary dental cleanings may seem like an extra expense, but they are essential to your pet's overall health care. Regular dental cleanings can help prevent periodontal disease and other serious health problems, saving you money in the long run.

More importantly, they will help your pet live a longer, happier, and pain-free life.

Schedule a Dental Consultation Today

If you're concerned about your pet's dental health, or if it's been a while since they've had a cleaning, contact Bailey Caring Mobile Vet today.

Dr. Josy can provide your pet with a dental consultation in your home and discuss a personalized treatment plan to keep your furry friend smiling for years.

Remember, a healthy mouth is a healthy and happy pet!

Dr. Josy

Call or text me 303-847-9699


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